Zend Framework教程之Zend_Helpers动作助手ViewRenderer用法详解

6年以前  |  阅读数:566 次  |  编程语言:PHP 

本文实例讲述了Zend Framework教程之Zend_Helpers动作助手ViewRenderer用法。分享给大家供大家参考,具体如下:

MVC结构中视图层和控制器的解耦,以及渲染。往往是重复或者冗余的工作。如果一个完善的框架,对MVC的使用,必定会对这些操作进行合理的设计。让开发者更专注内容而不是控制逻辑结构本身。在ZendFramework中,主要是通过动作助手ViewRenderer来完成这个操作的。ViewRenderer 自动的完成在控制器内建立视图对象并渲染视图的过程;





Note: 如果手动执行_forward()、redirect、或者render时,不会发生自动解析。因为执行这些动作时,等于告诉ViewRenderer,你要自己确定输出结果。

Note: ViewRenderer助手默认启用。

你可以通过前端控制器的noViewRenderer方法、设定参数($front->setParam('noViewRenderer', true))或者从助手经纪人栈(helper broker stack)中移除助手(Zend_Controller_Action_HelperBroker::removeHelper('viewRenderer'))等方式禁用该助手。



    $viewRenderer = new Zend_Controller_Action_Helper_ViewRenderer();


    $viewRenderer = Zend_Controller_Action_HelperBroker::getStaticHelper('viewRenderer');


大多数使用中,只需要简单的创建 ViewRenderer对象,然后传入到动作助手经纪人。创建实例并注册的最简单方式是使用助手经纪人的getStaticHelper()方法:


动作控制器第一次实例化时,会触发ViewRenderer创建一个视图对象。动作控制器每次实例化都会调用ViewRenderer的init()方法,设定动作控制器的视图属性,并以相对于当前模块的路径为参数调用addScriptPath()方法;调用时带有以当前模块命名的类前缀参数,该参数对为该模块定义的所有助手和过滤器类都有效。(this will be called with a class prefix named after the current module, effectively namespacing all helper and filter classes you define for the module. )



    // A controller class, foo module:
    class Foo_BarController extends Zend_Controller_Action
      // Render bar/index.phtml by default; no action required
      public function indexAction()
      // Render bar/populate.phtml with variable 'foo' set to 'bar'.
      // Since view object defined at preDispatch(), it's already available.
      public function populateAction()
        $this->view->foo = 'bar';
    // in one of your view scripts:
    $this->foo(); // call Foo_View_Helper_Foo::foo()



setNeverRender($flag = true)可以全局的启用或禁用自动解析,也就是对所有控制器都有效。如果设定为true,在所有控制器器内,postDispatch()将不会自动调用render()。getNeverRender()返回当前的设定值。

setNoRender($flag = true) 用来启用或禁用自动解析,如果设置为true,在当前控制器内,postDispatch()不会调用render()方法。这个设定在preDispatch()每次执行时会被重置。getNoRender()返回当前的设定值。

setNoController($flag = true)通知render()不要再到以控制器命名的子目录中寻找视图脚本。getNoController()返回当前值。

setNeverController($flag = true)与setNoController($flag = true)相似,但是其在全局范围内有效――也就是说,它不会在每次分发动作时重置。getNeverController()返回当前值。



initView($path, $prefix, $options)可以指定视图的基路径,为助手和过滤器脚本设置类前缀,设定ViewRenderer选项。可以传入以下任意的标志:neverRender,noRender,noController, scriptAction,和responseSegment。

setRender($action = null, $name = null, $noController = false)可以一次设定scriptAction、responseSegment和noController。 direct()是它的别名,使得控制器中可以方便的调用。

    // Render 'foo' instead of current action script
    // render form.phtml to the 'html' response segment, without using a
    // controller view script subdirectory:
    $this->_helper->viewRenderer('form', 'html', true);

Note: setRender() 和 direct()并不会实际解析视图脚本,而是提示postDispatch()和postDispatch()解析视图。


    $view  = new Zend_View(array('encoding' => 'UTF-8'));
    $options = array('noController' => true, 'neverRender' => true);
    $viewRenderer =
      new Zend_Controller_Action_Helper_ViewRenderer($view, $options);


:moduleDir 引用当前模块的基目录(常规的是模块的控制器目录的父目录)。
:module 引用当前的模块名。
:controller 引用当前的控制器名。
:suffix 引用当前的视图脚本后缀(可以通过setViewSuffix()来设置)。


setViewScriptPathSpec($spec)允许改变确定到达单独的视图脚本路径(去除试图脚本基路径)的路径规则。默认的路径规则是 :controller/:action.:suffix。任何时候都可以通过getViewScriptPathSpec()获取当前规则。
setViewScriptPathNoControllerSpec($spec)允许改变 noController有效时确定到达单独的视图脚本路径(去除试图脚本基路径)的路径规则。默认的规则是:action.:suffix,任何时候都可以通过getViewScriptPathNoControllerSpec()获取当前规则。
为在路径规范之上精心设计的控制,可以使用Zend_Filter_Inflector。深入地,视图解析器(ViewRenderer)已经使用inflector来执行路径映射。为和inflector互动 - 或者设置你自己的或者修改缺省的inflector,下面的方法可以被使用:
getInflector() 将获取inflector。如果在视图解析器中不存在, 它用缺省的规则创建一个。
setInflector($inflector, $reference) 允许设置定制的inflector和视图解析器一起使用。如果$reference 是true,它将设置后缀和模块目录作为静态引用和目标给视图解析器 属性。

Note: 缺省查找约定(Conventions)


:module: 混合词和驼峰词被短横线分开,并整个串变成小写。例如:"FooBarBaz" 变成 "foo-bar-baz"。
在内部,变形器(inflector) 使用过滤器Zend_Filter_Word_CamelCaseToDash 和 Zend_Filter_StringToLower。
:controller: 混合词和驼峰词被短横线分开;下划线转换成目录分隔符,并且整个串变小写。例如:"FooBar" becomes "foo-bar"; "FooBar_Admin" 变成 "foo-bar/admin".
在内部,inflector 使用过滤器Zend_Filter_Word_CamelCaseToDash、Zend_Filter_Word_UnderscoreToSeparator 和 Zend_Filter_StringToLower。
:action: 混合词和驼峰词被短横线分开;非字母数字字符翻译成短横线,并且整个串变成小写。 例如 "fooBar" 变成 "foo-bar"; "foo-barBaz" 变成 "foo-bar-baz"。

在内部,inflector 使用过滤器 Zend_Filter_Word_CamelCaseToDash、Zend_Filter_PregReplace 和 Zend_Filter_StringToLower。

视图解析器 API中的最后一项是关于实际确定视图脚本路径和解析视图的。包括:

renderScript($script, $name)允许解析指定路径的脚本,可选的命名的路径片段。(renderScript($script, $name) allows you to render a script with a path you specify, optionally to a named path segment. )使用该方法时,ViewRenderer不会自动的确定脚本名称,而是直接的向视图对象的render()传入$script参数。

Note: 当视图已经被解析到响应对象,将会设置noRender阻止相同的脚本被多次解析。

Note: 默认的,Zend_Controller_Action::renderScript()代理ViewRenderer的renderScript()方法。

getViewScript($action, $vars)基于传入的动作和/或$vars中的变量创建到视图脚本的路径。该数组中的键可以包含所有的路径指定键('moduleDir','module', 'controller', 'action', and 'suffix')。传入的任何变量都会优先使用,否则利用基于当前请求的值。



Note: 默认的,Zend_Controller_Action::getViewScript()代理ViewRenderer的getViewScript()方法。

render($action, $name, $noController)首先检查$name或 $noController参数是否传入,如果传入,则在ViewRenderer中设定相应的标志(分别是响应片段和noController)。然后传入$action参数到getViewScript(),最后传入计算的试图脚本路径到renderScript()。

Note: 注意使用render()的边际效应:传入的响应片段名称和noController标志在视图对象中存留。此外解析结束后noRender会被设置。

Note: 默认的,Zend_Controller_Action::render()代理 ViewRenderer的render()方法。

renderBySpec($action, $vars, $name)允许传入路径规则变量以确定创建的视图脚本路径。它把$action和$vars传入到getScriptPath(),将脚本路径结果和$name传入到renderScript()。


Example #9 基本用法

大多数基础使用中,只需在bootstrap中使用助手经纪人简单的初始化和注册ViewRenderer 助手,然后在动作方法中设置变量。

    // In your bootstrap:
    // 'foo' module, 'bar' controller:
    class Foo_BarController extends Zend_Controller_Action
      // Render bar/index.phtml by default; no action required
      public function indexAction()
      // Render bar/populate.phtml with variable 'foo' set to 'bar'.
      // Since view object defined at preDispatch(), it's already available.
      public function populateAction()
        $this->view->foo = 'bar';
      // Renders nothing as it forwards to another action; the new action
      // will perform any rendering
      public function bazAction()
      // Renders nothing as it redirects to another location
      public function batAction()

Note: 命名规则:控制器和动作名中的单词定界符



Example #10 禁用自动解析


    // Baz controller class, bar module:
    class Bar_BazController extends Zend_Controller_Action
      public function fooAction()
        // Don't auto render this action
    // Bat controller class, bar module:
    class Bar_BatController extends Zend_Controller_Action
      public function preDispatch()
        // Never auto render this controller's actions

Note: 大多数情况下,全局的关闭自动解析(setNeverRender())没有意义,因为这样ViewRenderer做的唯一件事只是自动设置了视图对象。
Example #11 选择另外的视图脚本
有些情况下需要解析另一个脚本而非以动作命名的脚本。例如,如果你有一个控制器包含增加和编辑两个动作,它们可能都显示相同的'form'视图,尽管拥有不同的值集合(value set)。只需要使用setScriptAction()或者setRender()简单的改变脚本的名称,或者以成员方法的形式调用助手,它将调用setRender()。

    // Bar controller class, foo module:
    class Foo_BarController extends Zend_Controller_Action
      public function addAction()
        // Render 'bar/form.phtml' instead of 'bar/add.phtml'
      public function editAction()
        // Render 'bar/form.phtml' instead of 'bar/edit.phtml'
      public function processAction()
        // do some validation...
        if (!$valid) {
          // Render 'bar/form.phtml' instead of 'bar/process.phtml'
        // otherwise continue processing...

Example #12 修改注册的视图Modifying the registered view

    // Bar controller class, foo module:
    class Foo_BarController extends Zend_Controller_Action
      public function preDispatch()
        // change view encoding
      public function bazAction()
        // Get view object and set escape callback to 'htmlspecialchars'
        $view = $this->_helper->viewRenderer->view;


Example #13 修改路径规则

有些情况下,默认的路径规则可能并不适合站点的需要。比如,希望拥有一个单独的模板树供设计人员访问(例如,如果你使用» Smarty,这是很典型的情形)。这种情况下,你可能想硬编码视图的基路径规则,为动作视图脚本路径自身创建一套规则。

假定视图的基路径(base path)为'/opt/vendor/templates',希望通过':moduleDir/:controller/:action.:suffix'引用视图脚本;如果设定了noController标志,想在顶级而不是在子目录中解析(':action.:suffix')。最终希望使用'tpl'作为视图脚本文件的后缀。

     * In your bootstrap:
    // Different view implementation
    $view = new ZF_Smarty();
    $viewRenderer = new Zend_Controller_Action_Helper_ViewRenderer($view);

Example #14 一个动作中解析多个视图脚本


    class SearchController extends Zend_Controller_Action
      public function resultsAction()
        // Assume $this->model is the current model
        $this->view->results =
          $this->model->find($this->_getParam('query', '');
        // render() by default proxies to the ViewRenderer
        // Render first the search form and then the results
      public function formAction()
        // do nothing; ViewRenderer autorenders the view script


     * @see Zend_Controller_Action_Helper_Abstract
    require_once 'Zend/Controller/Action/Helper/Abstract.php';
     * @see Zend_View
    require_once 'Zend/View.php';
     * View script integration
     * Zend_Controller_Action_Helper_ViewRenderer provides transparent view
     * integration for action controllers. It allows you to create a view object
     * once, and populate it throughout all actions. Several global options may be
     * set:
     * - noController: if set true, render() will not look for view scripts in
     *  subdirectories named after the controller
     * - viewSuffix: what view script filename suffix to use
     * The helper autoinitializes the action controller view preDispatch(). It
     * determines the path to the class file, and then determines the view base
     * directory from there. It also uses the module name as a class prefix for
     * helpers and views such that if your module name is 'Search', it will set the
     * helper class prefix to 'Search_View_Helper' and the filter class prefix to ;
     * 'Search_View_Filter'.
     * Usage:
     * <code>
     * // In your bootstrap:
     * Zend_Controller_Action_HelperBroker::addHelper(new Zend_Controller_Action_Helper_ViewRenderer());
     * // In your action controller methods:
     * $viewHelper = $this->_helper->getHelper('view');
     * // Don't use controller subdirectories
     * $viewHelper->setNoController(true);
     * // Specify a different script to render:
     * $this->_helper->viewRenderer('form');
     * </code>
     * @uses    Zend_Controller_Action_Helper_Abstract
     * @package  Zend_Controller
     * @subpackage Zend_Controller_Action_Helper
     * @copyright Copyright (c) 2005-2011 Zend Technologies USA Inc. (http://www.zend.com)
     * @license  http://framework.zend.com/license/new-bsd   New BSD License
    class Zend_Controller_Action_Helper_ViewRenderer extends Zend_Controller_Action_Helper_Abstract
       * @var Zend_View_Interface
      public $view;
       * Word delimiters
       * @var array
      protected $_delimiters;
       * @var Zend_Filter_Inflector
      protected $_inflector;
       * Inflector target
       * @var string
      protected $_inflectorTarget = '';
       * Current module directory
       * @var string
      protected $_moduleDir = '';
       * Whether or not to autorender using controller name as subdirectory;
       * global setting (not reset at next invocation)
       * @var boolean
      protected $_neverController = false;
       * Whether or not to autorender postDispatch; global setting (not reset at
       * next invocation)
       * @var boolean
      protected $_neverRender   = false;
       * Whether or not to use a controller name as a subdirectory when rendering
       * @var boolean
      protected $_noController  = false;
       * Whether or not to autorender postDispatch; per controller/action setting (reset
       * at next invocation)
       * @var boolean
      protected $_noRender    = false;
       * Characters representing path delimiters in the controller
       * @var string|array
      protected $_pathDelimiters;
       * Which named segment of the response to utilize
       * @var string
      protected $_responseSegment = null;
       * Which action view script to render
       * @var string
      protected $_scriptAction  = null;
       * View object basePath
       * @var string
      protected $_viewBasePathSpec = ':moduleDir/views';
       * View script path specification string
       * @var string
      protected $_viewScriptPathSpec = ':controller/:action.:suffix';
       * View script path specification string, minus controller segment
       * @var string
      protected $_viewScriptPathNoControllerSpec = ':action.:suffix';
       * View script suffix
       * @var string
      protected $_viewSuffix   = 'phtml';
       * Constructor
       * Optionally set view object and options.
       * @param Zend_View_Interface $view
       * @param array        $options
       * @return void
      public function __construct(Zend_View_Interface $view = null, array $options = array())
        if (null !== $view) {
        if (!empty($options)) {
       * Clone - also make sure the view is cloned.
       * @return void
      public function __clone()
        if (isset($this->view) && $this->view instanceof Zend_View_Interface) {
          $this->view = clone $this->view;
       * Set the view object
       * @param Zend_View_Interface $view
       * @return Zend_Controller_Action_Helper_ViewRenderer Provides a fluent interface
      public function setView(Zend_View_Interface $view)
        $this->view = $view;
        return $this;
       * Get current module name
       * @return string
      public function getModule()
        $request = $this->getRequest();
        $module = $request->getModuleName();
        if (null === $module) {
          $module = $this->getFrontController()->getDispatcher()->getDefaultModule();
        return $module;
       * Get module directory
       * @throws Zend_Controller_Action_Exception
       * @return string
      public function getModuleDirectory()
        $module  = $this->getModule();
        $moduleDir = $this->getFrontController()->getControllerDirectory($module);
        if ((null === $moduleDir) || is_array($moduleDir)) {
           * @see Zend_Controller_Action_Exception
          require_once 'Zend/Controller/Action/Exception.php';
          throw new Zend_Controller_Action_Exception('ViewRenderer cannot locate module directory for module "' . $module . '"');
        $this->_moduleDir = dirname($moduleDir);
        return $this->_moduleDir;
       * Get inflector
       * @return Zend_Filter_Inflector
      public function getInflector()
        if (null === $this->_inflector) {
           * @see Zend_Filter_Inflector
          require_once 'Zend/Filter/Inflector.php';
           * @see Zend_Filter_PregReplace
          require_once 'Zend/Filter/PregReplace.php';
           * @see Zend_Filter_Word_UnderscoreToSeparator
          require_once 'Zend/Filter/Word/UnderscoreToSeparator.php';
          $this->_inflector = new Zend_Filter_Inflector();
          $this->_inflector->setStaticRuleReference('moduleDir', $this->_moduleDir) // moduleDir must be specified before the less specific 'module'
               ':module'   => array('Word_CamelCaseToDash', 'StringToLower'),
               ':controller' => array('Word_CamelCaseToDash', new Zend_Filter_Word_UnderscoreToSeparator('/'), 'StringToLower', new Zend_Filter_PregReplace('/\./', '-')),
               ':action'   => array('Word_CamelCaseToDash', new Zend_Filter_PregReplace('#[^a-z0-9' . preg_quote('/', '#') . ']+#i', '-'), 'StringToLower'),
             ->setStaticRuleReference('suffix', $this->_viewSuffix)
        // Ensure that module directory is current
        return $this->_inflector;
       * Set inflector
       * @param Zend_Filter_Inflector $inflector
       * @param boolean        $reference Whether the moduleDir, target, and suffix should be set as references to ViewRenderer properties
       * @return Zend_Controller_Action_Helper_ViewRenderer Provides a fluent interface
      public function setInflector(Zend_Filter_Inflector $inflector, $reference = false)
        $this->_inflector = $inflector;
        if ($reference) {
          $this->_inflector->setStaticRuleReference('suffix', $this->_viewSuffix)
             ->setStaticRuleReference('moduleDir', $this->_moduleDir)
        return $this;
       * Set inflector target
       * @param string $target
       * @return void
      protected function _setInflectorTarget($target)
        $this->_inflectorTarget = (string) $target;
       * Set internal module directory representation
       * @param string $dir
       * @return void
      protected function _setModuleDir($dir)
        $this->_moduleDir = (string) $dir;
       * Get internal module directory representation
       * @return string
      protected function _getModuleDir()
        return $this->_moduleDir;
       * Generate a class prefix for helper and filter classes
       * @return string
      protected function _generateDefaultPrefix()
        $default = 'Zend_View';
        if (null === $this->_actionController) {
          return $default;
        $class = get_class($this->_actionController);
        if (!strstr($class, '_')) {
          return $default;
        $module = $this->getModule();
        if ('default' == $module) {
          return $default;
        $prefix = substr($class, 0, strpos($class, '_')) . '_View';
        return $prefix;
       * Retrieve base path based on location of current action controller
       * @return string
      protected function _getBasePath()
        if (null === $this->_actionController) {
          return './views';
        $inflector = $this->getInflector();
        $dispatcher = $this->getFrontController()->getDispatcher();
        $request = $this->getRequest();
        $parts = array(
          'module'   => (($moduleName = $request->getModuleName()) != '') ? $dispatcher->formatModuleName($moduleName) : $moduleName,
          'controller' => $request->getControllerName(),
          'action'   => $dispatcher->formatActionName($request->getActionName())
        $path = $inflector->filter($parts);
        return $path;
       * Set options
       * @param array $options
       * @return Zend_Controller_Action_Helper_ViewRenderer Provides a fluent interface
      protected function _setOptions(array $options)
        foreach ($options as $key => $value)
          switch ($key) {
            case 'neverRender':
            case 'neverController':
            case 'noController':
            case 'noRender':
              $property = '_' . $key;
              $this->{$property} = ($value) ? true : false;
            case 'responseSegment':
            case 'scriptAction':
            case 'viewBasePathSpec':
            case 'viewScriptPathSpec':
            case 'viewScriptPathNoControllerSpec':
            case 'viewSuffix':
              $property = '_' . $key;
              $this->{$property} = (string) $value;
        return $this;
       * Initialize the view object
       * $options may contain the following keys:
       * - neverRender - flag dis/enabling postDispatch() autorender (affects all subsequent calls)
       * - noController - flag indicating whether or not to look for view scripts in subdirectories named after the controller
       * - noRender - flag indicating whether or not to autorender postDispatch()
       * - responseSegment - which named response segment to render a view script to
       * - scriptAction - what action script to render
       * - viewBasePathSpec - specification to use for determining view base path
       * - viewScriptPathSpec - specification to use for determining view script paths
       * - viewScriptPathNoControllerSpec - specification to use for determining view script paths when noController flag is set
       * - viewSuffix - what view script filename suffix to use
       * @param string $path
       * @param string $prefix
       * @param array $options
       * @throws Zend_Controller_Action_Exception
       * @return void
      public function initView($path = null, $prefix = null, array $options = array())
        if (null === $this->view) {
          $this->setView(new Zend_View());
        // Reset some flags every time
        $options['noController'] = (isset($options['noController'])) ? $options['noController'] : false;
        $options['noRender']   = (isset($options['noRender'])) ? $options['noRender'] : false;
        $this->_scriptAction   = null;
        $this->_responseSegment = null;
        // Set options first; may be used to determine other initializations
        // Get base view path
        if (empty($path)) {
          $path = $this->_getBasePath();
          if (empty($path)) {
             * @see Zend_Controller_Action_Exception
            require_once 'Zend/Controller/Action/Exception.php';
            throw new Zend_Controller_Action_Exception('ViewRenderer initialization failed: retrieved view base path is empty');
        if (null === $prefix) {
          $prefix = $this->_generateDefaultPrefix();
        // Determine if this path has already been registered
        $currentPaths = $this->view->getScriptPaths();
        $path     = str_replace(array('/', '\\'), '/', $path);
        $pathExists  = false;
        foreach ($currentPaths as $tmpPath) {
          $tmpPath = str_replace(array('/', '\\'), '/', $tmpPath);
          if (strstr($tmpPath, $path)) {
            $pathExists = true;
        if (!$pathExists) {
          $this->view->addBasePath($path, $prefix);
        // Register view with action controller (unless already registered)
        if ((null !== $this->_actionController) && (null === $this->_actionController->view)) {
          $this->_actionController->view    = $this->view;
          $this->_actionController->viewSuffix = $this->_viewSuffix;
       * init - initialize view
       * @return void
      public function init()
        if ($this->getFrontController()->getParam('noViewRenderer')) {
       * Set view basePath specification
       * Specification can contain one or more of the following:
       * - :moduleDir - current module directory
       * - :controller - name of current controller in the request
       * - :action - name of current action in the request
       * - :module - name of current module in the request
       * @param string $path
       * @return Zend_Controller_Action_Helper_ViewRenderer Provides a fluent interface
      public function setViewBasePathSpec($path)
        $this->_viewBasePathSpec = (string) $path;
        return $this;
       * Retrieve the current view basePath specification string
       * @return string
      public function getViewBasePathSpec()
        return $this->_viewBasePathSpec;
       * Set view script path specification
       * Specification can contain one or more of the following:
       * - :moduleDir - current module directory
       * - :controller - name of current controller in the request
       * - :action - name of current action in the request
       * - :module - name of current module in the request
       * @param string $path
       * @return Zend_Controller_Action_Helper_ViewRenderer Provides a fluent interface
      public function setViewScriptPathSpec($path)
        $this->_viewScriptPathSpec = (string) $path;
        return $this;
       * Retrieve the current view script path specification string
       * @return string
      public function getViewScriptPathSpec()
        return $this->_viewScriptPathSpec;
       * Set view script path specification (no controller variant)
       * Specification can contain one or more of the following:
       * - :moduleDir - current module directory
       * - :controller - name of current controller in the request
       * - :action - name of current action in the request
       * - :module - name of current module in the request
       * :controller will likely be ignored in this variant.
       * @param string $path
       * @return Zend_Controller_Action_Helper_ViewRenderer Provides a fluent interface
      public function setViewScriptPathNoControllerSpec($path)
        $this->_viewScriptPathNoControllerSpec = (string) $path;
        return $this;
       * Retrieve the current view script path specification string (no controller variant)
       * @return string
      public function getViewScriptPathNoControllerSpec()
        return $this->_viewScriptPathNoControllerSpec;
       * Get a view script based on an action and/or other variables
       * Uses values found in current request if no values passed in $vars.
       * If {@link $_noController} is set, uses {@link $_viewScriptPathNoControllerSpec};
       * otherwise, uses {@link $_viewScriptPathSpec}.
       * @param string $action
       * @param array $vars
       * @return string
      public function getViewScript($action = null, array $vars = array())
        $request = $this->getRequest();
        if ((null === $action) && (!isset($vars['action']))) {
          $action = $this->getScriptAction();
          if (null === $action) {
            $action = $request->getActionName();
          $vars['action'] = $action;
        } elseif (null !== $action) {
          $vars['action'] = $action;
        $replacePattern = array('/[^a-z0-9]+$/i', '/^[^a-z0-9]+/i');
        $vars['action'] = preg_replace($replacePattern, '', $vars['action']);
        $inflector = $this->getInflector();
        if ($this->getNoController() || $this->getNeverController()) {
        } else {
        return $this->_translateSpec($vars);
       * Set the neverRender flag (i.e., globally dis/enable autorendering)
       * @param boolean $flag
       * @return Zend_Controller_Action_Helper_ViewRenderer Provides a fluent interface
      public function setNeverRender($flag = true)
        $this->_neverRender = ($flag) ? true : false;
        return $this;
       * Retrieve neverRender flag value
       * @return boolean
      public function getNeverRender()
        return $this->_neverRender;
       * Set the noRender flag (i.e., whether or not to autorender)
       * @param boolean $flag
       * @return Zend_Controller_Action_Helper_ViewRenderer Provides a fluent interface
      public function setNoRender($flag = true)
        $this->_noRender = ($flag) ? true : false;
        return $this;
       * Retrieve noRender flag value
       * @return boolean
      public function getNoRender()
        return $this->_noRender;
       * Set the view script to use
       * @param string $name
       * @return Zend_Controller_Action_Helper_ViewRenderer Provides a fluent interface
      public function setScriptAction($name)
        $this->_scriptAction = (string) $name;
        return $this;
       * Retrieve view script name
       * @return string
      public function getScriptAction()
        return $this->_scriptAction;
       * Set the response segment name
       * @param string $name
       * @return Zend_Controller_Action_Helper_ViewRenderer Provides a fluent interface
      public function setResponseSegment($name)
        if (null === $name) {
          $this->_responseSegment = null;
        } else {
          $this->_responseSegment = (string) $name;
        return $this;
       * Retrieve named response segment name
       * @return string
      public function getResponseSegment()
        return $this->_responseSegment;
       * Set the noController flag (i.e., whether or not to render into controller subdirectories)
       * @param boolean $flag
       * @return Zend_Controller_Action_Helper_ViewRenderer Provides a fluent interface
      public function setNoController($flag = true)
        $this->_noController = ($flag) ? true : false;
        return $this;
       * Retrieve noController flag value
       * @return boolean
      public function getNoController()
        return $this->_noController;
       * Set the neverController flag (i.e., whether or not to render into controller subdirectories)
       * @param boolean $flag
       * @return Zend_Controller_Action_Helper_ViewRenderer Provides a fluent interface
      public function setNeverController($flag = true)
        $this->_neverController = ($flag) ? true : false;
        return $this;
       * Retrieve neverController flag value
       * @return boolean
      public function getNeverController()
        return $this->_neverController;
       * Set view script suffix
       * @param string $suffix
       * @return Zend_Controller_Action_Helper_ViewRenderer Provides a fluent interface
      public function setViewSuffix($suffix)
        $this->_viewSuffix = (string) $suffix;
        return $this;
       * Get view script suffix
       * @return string
      public function getViewSuffix()
        return $this->_viewSuffix;
       * Set options for rendering a view script
       * @param string $action    View script to render
       * @param string $name     Response named segment to render to
       * @param boolean $noController Whether or not to render within a subdirectory named after the controller
       * @return Zend_Controller_Action_Helper_ViewRenderer Provides a fluent interface
      public function setRender($action = null, $name = null, $noController = null)
        if (null !== $action) {
        if (null !== $name) {
        if (null !== $noController) {
        return $this;
       * Inflect based on provided vars
       * Allowed variables are:
       * - :moduleDir - current module directory
       * - :module - current module name
       * - :controller - current controller name
       * - :action - current action name
       * - :suffix - view script file suffix
       * @param array $vars
       * @return string
      protected function _translateSpec(array $vars = array())
        $inflector = $this->getInflector();
        $request  = $this->getRequest();
        $dispatcher = $this->getFrontController()->getDispatcher();
        $module   = $dispatcher->formatModuleName($request->getModuleName());
        $controller = $request->getControllerName();
        $action   = $dispatcher->formatActionName($request->getActionName());
        $params   = compact('module', 'controller', 'action');
        foreach ($vars as $key => $value) {
          switch ($key) {
            case 'module':
            case 'controller':
            case 'action':
            case 'moduleDir':
            case 'suffix':
              $params[$key] = (string) $value;
        if (isset($params['suffix'])) {
          $origSuffix = $this->getViewSuffix();
        if (isset($params['moduleDir'])) {
          $origModuleDir = $this->_getModuleDir();
        $filtered = $inflector->filter($params);
        if (isset($params['suffix'])) {
        if (isset($params['moduleDir'])) {
        return $filtered;
       * Render a view script (optionally to a named response segment)
       * Sets the noRender flag to true when called.
       * @param string $script
       * @param string $name
       * @return void
      public function renderScript($script, $name = null)
        if (null === $name) {
          $name = $this->getResponseSegment();
       * Render a view based on path specifications
       * Renders a view based on the view script path specifications.
       * @param string $action
       * @param string $name
       * @param boolean $noController
       * @return void
      public function render($action = null, $name = null, $noController = null)
        $this->setRender($action, $name, $noController);
        $path = $this->getViewScript();
        $this->renderScript($path, $name);
       * Render a script based on specification variables
       * Pass an action, and one or more specification variables (view script suffix)
       * to determine the view script path, and render that script.
       * @param string $action
       * @param array $vars
       * @param string $name
       * @return void
      public function renderBySpec($action = null, array $vars = array(), $name = null)
        if (null !== $name) {
        $path = $this->getViewScript($action, $vars);
       * postDispatch - auto render a view
       * Only autorenders if:
       * - _noRender is false
       * - action controller is present
       * - request has not been re-dispatched (i.e., _forward() has not been called)
       * - response is not a redirect
       * @return void
      public function postDispatch()
        if ($this->_shouldRender()) {
       * Should the ViewRenderer render a view script?
       * @return boolean
      protected function _shouldRender()
        return (!$this->getFrontController()->getParam('noViewRenderer')
          && !$this->_neverRender
          && !$this->_noRender
          && (null !== $this->_actionController)
          && $this->getRequest()->isDispatched()
          && !$this->getResponse()->isRedirect()
       * Use this helper as a method; proxies to setRender()
       * @param string $action
       * @param string $name
       * @param boolean $noController
       * @return void
      public function direct($action = null, $name = null, $noController = null)
        $this->setRender($action, $name, $noController);

更多关于zend相关内容感兴趣的读者可查看本站专题:《Zend FrameWork框架入门教程》、《php优秀开发框架总结》、《Yii框架入门及常用技巧总结》、《ThinkPHP入门教程》、《php面向对象程序设计入门教程》、《php+mysql数据库操作入门教程》及《php常见数据库操作技巧汇总

希望本文所述对大家基于Zend Framework框架的PHP程序设计有所帮助。

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