php微信高级接口群发 多客服

6年以前  |  阅读数:972 次  |  编程语言:PHP 


     * 微信接口调用
     * 依赖
     * 全局变量
     * global $uid 公众号用户id, $wid 公众号id, $wechatid 粉丝唯一id;
     * 参数
     * $postStr = $GLOBALS["HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA"];
     * $postObj = simplexml_load_string($postStr, 'SimpleXMLElement', LIBXML_NOCDATA);
     * 缓存类 自定义
     * Cache:set
     * Cache:get
     * 具体业务修改
     * 1.上传图文信息至微信素材库
     * function uploadArticlesToWeiXinServer()
     * 2.关键字匹配图文回复
     * function getArticleData()
     * usage:
     *  $options = array(
     *  'token'=>'tokenaccesskey', //填写你设定的key
     *  'appid'=>'wxdk1234567890', //填写高级调用功能的app id
     *  'appsecret'=>'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx', //填写高级调用功能的密钥
     *  );
    class WeiXinTool {

      private $appid;
      private $appsecret;
      private $access_token;
      private $mediaType = array('image' => array("jpg"), 'voice' => array('amr', 'MP3'), 'video' => array('mp4'), 'thumb' => array("jpg"));
      private $mediaMaxSize = array('image' => 131072, 'voice' => 262144, 'video' => 1048576, 'thumb' => 65536);
      private $tem_file_path = "";

    //  授权地址
      const AUTH_URL = ';=%s&secret;=%s';
    //  素材上传
      const UPLOAD_MEDIA_URL = ";=%s";
      const GET_MEDIA_URL = ";_id=%s";
      const UPLOAD_NEWS_URL = "";

      public function __construct($options) {
        $this->appid = isset($options['appid']) ? $options['appid'] : '';
        $this->appsecret = isset($options['appsecret']) ? $options['appsecret'] : '';
        $this->tem_file_path = YYUC_FRAME_PATH . YYUC_PUB . '/' . Session::get('upath');

       * 需修改
       * 具体业务需求,图文信息上传至素材库
       * 微站文章上传至微信素材
       * @param type $wid 
       * @param type $aid
       * @return int
      public function uploadArticlesToWeiXinServer($wid, $aid) {

        $m = new Model('website_article');
        $m_pubs = new Model('pubs');
        $m_pubs->find(array("id" => $wid));
        $m->find(array("wid" => $wid, 'id' => $aid));
        $res = array();
        if ($m->has_id() && $m_pubs->has_id()) {
          $res[] = $m->get_model_array();
    //      var_dump($res);
          $m->votetouser = json_decode($m->votetouser, TRUE);
          $articles = $m->votetouser[0];
          $m_article = new Model('website_article');
          $ress = $m_article->where(array('wid' => $wid, 'id' => $articles))->list_all_array();
          $res = array_merge($res, $ress);
        } else {
          $errarr = array();
          $errarr['errcode'] = 44003;
          $errarr['errmsg'] = self::$errorno[$errarr['errcode']];
          return $errarr;
        $items = array();
        foreach ($res as $k => $v) {
          $mediaid = $this->uploadMedia($v['picurl']);
          if ($mediaid['media_id']) {
            $thumb_media_id = $mediaid['media_id'];
          } else {
            return $mediaid;
          $item = array(
            "thumb_media_id" => $thumb_media_id,
            "author" => $m_pubs->pubun,
            "title" => $v['title'],
            "content_source_url" => WeiXinTool::complateUrl(WeiSite::parseArticleLinkData($v)),
            "content" => $v['reply_content'], //内容 富文本
            "digest" => $v['description']//描述
          $items[] = $item;

        $postData['articles'] = $items;
        $error = $this->uploadNews($postData);
        return $error;

       * 需修改
       * 微站文章关键字匹配数据解析
      public static function getArticleData($keyword) {
        global $wid;
        $m = new Model('website_article');
        $m->find(array('wid' => $wid, 'keyword@~' => " " . $keyword . " "));
        $res = array();
        if ($m->has_id()) {
          $res[] = array("tit" => $m->title, "pic" => $m->picurl, "dec" => $m->description, "url" => WeiSite::parseArticleLinkData($m->get_model_array()));
          $m->votetouser = json_decode($m->votetouser, TRUE);
          $articles = $m->votetouser[0];
          if (!empty($articles)) {
            foreach ($articles as $v) {
              $m_article = new Model('website_article');
              $m_article->find(array('wid' => $wid, 'id' => $v));
              $res[] = array("tit" => $m_article->title, "pic" => $m_article->picurl, "dec" => $m_article->description, "url" => WeiSite::parseArticleLinkData($m_article->get_model_array()));
          return $res;

       * 获取accesstoken
       * @param type $flag 强制刷新accesstoken 开关
       * @return type
      public function getAccessToken($flag = FALSE) {
        $url = sprintf(self::AUTH_URL, $this->appid, $this->appsecret);
        $result = Cache::get(md5($url));
        if ($flag || empty($result)) {
          $result = $this->http_get($url);
          $result = json_decode($result, TRUE);
          if ($result['errcode']) {
            return $result['errcode'];
          Cache::set(md5($url), $result, 1);
        $this->access_token = $result['access_token'];
        return true;

       * 上传媒体
       * @param type $file 媒体文件 $url或者物理路径地址
       * @param type $type 类型 
       * @return int
       * return 
       array (size=3)
       'type' => string 'image' (length=5)
       'media_id' => string '-0Lr3rX9mDYBB7i5bDydvwFHHm3zW2Uxt0OoDFBPmGRfYiwckiALqHH_DlP9jCm_' (length=64)
       'created_at' => int 1400477181
      public function uploadMedia($file, $type = "image") {
        $file = self::complateUrl($file);
        $urlarr = parse_url($file);
        $filetype = explode(".", $urlarr['path']);
        $filetype = strtolower($filetype[count($filetype) - 1]);
        $resizeSize = 100; //图片处理后另存质量
        if (!key_exists($type, $this->mediaType) || !in_array($filetype, $this->mediaType[$type])) {
    //      return 40005; //格式错误
          $errarr = array();
          $errarr['errcode'] = 40005;
          $errarr['errmsg'] = self::$errorno[$errarr['errcode']];
          return $errarr;

        $temp_file = $this->tem_file_path . 'uploadMedia.' . $filetype;
        $temp_file_resize = $this->tem_file_path . 'uploadMediaResize.' . $filetype;
        file_put_contents($temp_file, self::http_get($file));
        $handle = fopen($temp_file, "r");
        $fstat = fstat($handle);

        if ($fstat['size'] > $this->mediaMaxSize[$type]) {
          $resizeSize = intval($this->mediaMaxSize[$type] / $fstat['size'] * 100);
          ImageTool::resizeImage($temp_file_resize, $temp_file, 400, 400, $resizeSize); //图片太大再处理压缩
          $temp_file = $temp_file_resize;
    //      return 40006; //大小错误
        $filePath = realpath($temp_file);
        $uploadUrl = sprintf(self::UPLOAD_MEDIA_URL, $this->access_token, $type);
        $postData = array("r" => time(), 'media' => "@{$filePath}");
        $result = self::http_post($uploadUrl, $postData);
        $result = json_decode($result, TRUE);
        return $result;

       * 群发图文信息
       * @param type $touser 粉丝数组/粉丝组id
       * @param type $media_id
       * @return type
      public function sendArticles($touser, $media_id) {
        $errarr = array();
        $postData = array();
        $postData['mpnews'] = array("media_id" => $media_id);
        $postData['msgtype'] = "mpnews";
        if (is_array($touser)) {
          $postData['touser'] = $touser;
          $url = '';
        } else {
          $group = intval($touser);
          $groups = $this->getGroups(true);
          if (key_exists($group, $groups['list'])) {
            $postData['filter'] = array("group_id" => $group);
          } else {
            $errarr['errcode'] = 40050; //无效分组id
            $errarr['errmsg'] = self::$errorno[$errarr['errcode']];
            return $errarr;
          $url = '';
        $url = sprintf($url, $this->access_token);
        $result = self::http_post($url, self::json_encode($postData));
        $result = json_decode($result, TRUE);
        return $result;

       * 删除群发信息
       * @param type $msgid
       * @return type
      public function delSend($msgid) {
        $url = '';
        $url = sprintf($url, $this->access_token);
        $postData = array('msgid' => $msgid, 'r' => time());
        $result = self::http_post($url, self::json_encode($postData));
        $result = json_decode($result, TRUE);
        return $result;

       * 群发图文素材上传
       $postData = array('articles' => array($item, $item,...));
       $item = array(
       "thumb_media_id" => "WMQubqCECMQwAjqh8CI500LfhyoG0vmTTlKKJM5oP-of0uLML1_2s26j8XeIorDL",
       "author" => "xxx",
       "title" => "Happy Day",
       "content_source_url" => "",
       "content" => "content",
       "digest" => "digest"
       * return 
       array (size=3)
       'type' => string 'news' (length=4)
       'media_id' => string 'OuXqv2dgZzxAmK4z-tvStgr6InG18oIllWkD6Tj1qJZVRg-2f64FDU2D3J7dptHs' (length=64)
       'created_at' => int 1400477183
      public function uploadNews($postData) {
        $uploadUrl = sprintf(self::UPLOAD_NEWS_URL, $this->access_token);
        $result = self::http_post($uploadUrl, self::json_encode($postData));
        $result = json_decode($result, TRUE);
        return $result;

       * 获取粉丝列表
       * @param type $nextOpenId
       * @return type
      public function getAllConnects($nextOpenId = "") {
        $url = ';_openid=%s';
        $url = sprintf($url, $this->access_token, $nextOpenId);
        $result = self::http_get($url);
        $result = json_decode($result, TRUE);
        $count = count($result['data']['openid']);
        $list = $result['data']['openid'];
        if ($result['data']['openid'][$count - 1] == $result['next_openid']) {
          return $result['data']['openid'];
        } else {
          $templist = $this->getAllConnects($result['next_openid']);
          $list = array_merge($list, $templist);
          return $list;

       * 根据粉丝唯一id获取微信信息
       * @param type $openid
       * @return type
      public function getFansInfo($openid) {
        $url = ';=%s〈=zh_CN';
        $url = sprintf($url, $this->access_token, $openid);
        $result = self::http_get($url);
        $result = json_decode($result, TRUE);
        return $result;

       * 更新粉丝组信息
       * @param type $openid
       * @param type $groupid
       * @return type
      public function updateFansGroups($openid, $groupid) {
        $url = '';
        $url = sprintf($url, $this->access_token);
        $postData = array("to_groupid" => $groupid, 'openid' => $openid);
        $result = self::http_post($url, self::json_encode($postData));
        $result = json_decode($result, TRUE);
        return $result;

       * 获取粉丝组信息
       * @param type $openid
       * @return type
      public function getFansGroupInfo($openid) {
        $url = '';
        $url = sprintf($url, $this->access_token);
        $postData = array("r" => time(), 'openid' => $openid);
        $result = self::http_post($url, self::json_encode($postData));
        $result = json_decode($result, TRUE);
        return $result['groupid'];

       * 获取唯一key
       * @param type $key
       * @return type
      public function getKey($key) {
        return md5($this->appid . $this->appsecret . $key);

       * 获取媒体图片到本地
       * @param type $mediaid
       * @return string
      public function getMedia($mediaid) {
        $url = sprintf(self::GET_MEDIA_URL, $this->access_token, $mediaid);
        $result = self::http_get($url);
        $temp_file = $this->tem_file_path . 'getMedia.jpg';
        file_put_contents($temp_file, $result);
        return $temp_file;

       * 用户组
       * @param type $flag 强制刷新用户组
       * @return type
      public function getGroups($flag = false) {
        $key = $this->appid . 'gasdfev' . $this->appsecret;
        $result = Cache::get($key);
        if (empty($result) || $flag) {
          $url = '';
          $url = sprintf($url, $this->access_token);
          $result = self::http_get($url);
          $result = json_decode($result, TRUE);
          $temg = array();
          $temlist = array();
          foreach ($result['groups'] as $k => $v) {
            $temg[$v['id']] = $v;
            $temlist[$v['id']] = $v['name'];
          $result['map'] = $temg;
          $result['list'] = $temlist;
          Cache::set($key, $result);
        return $result;

       * 新增用户组
       * @param type $name
       * @return type
      public function createGroup($name) {
        $url = '';
        $url = sprintf($url, $this->access_token);
        $result = self::http_post($url, self::json_encode(array('group' => array('name' => $name))));
        $result = json_decode($result, TRUE);
        return $result;

       * 修改用户组
       * @param type $id
       * @param type $name
       * @return type
      public function modifyGroup($id, $name) {
        $url = '';
        $url = sprintf($url, $this->access_token);
        $result = self::http_post($url, self::json_encode(array('group' => array('id' => $id, 'name' => $name))));
        $result = json_decode($result, TRUE);
        return $result;

       * 多客服接入
       * @global type $wid
       * @param type $postObj
      public static function responseService($postObj) {
        global $wid;
        $fromUsername = $postObj->FromUserName;
        $toUsername = $postObj->ToUserName;
        $textTpl = "<xml>
        $resstr = sprintf($textTpl, $fromUsername, $toUsername, time());
        echo $resstr;

       * 微信回复多图文
       * @global type $wid
       * @param type $res
       * array(array(),array()
       * );
       * @param type $rid
       * @param type $postObj
      public static function response_morearts($res, $postObj) {
        global $wid;
        $fromUsername = $postObj->FromUserName;
        $toUsername = $postObj->ToUserName;
        $textTpl = "<xml>
        $resstr = sprintf($textTpl, $fromUsername, $toUsername, time(), "news", count($res));
        $item = '';
        $subitem = "<item>
        foreach ($res as $r) {
          $r['url'] = self::parseUrl($r['url']);
          $item .= sprintf($subitem, $r['tit'], $r['des'], self::complateUrl($r['pic']), self::replaceToWXUrl(self::complateUrl($r['url']), $postObj));
        $resstr = str_replace('ITEM', $item, $resstr);
        echo $resstr;

       * url解析
       * @param type $url
       * @return string
      public static function complateUrl($url) {
        if (false === stristr($url, "http://")) {//查找http:// 如果不存在
          if (0 === strpos($url, '/')) {//查找首字母 如果存在
            $url = substr($url, 1); //去除/
          $url = "http://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '/' . $url; //拼接完整路径
        return $url;

       * 微信url固定参数替换
       * @param type $url
       * @param type $postObj
       * @return type
      public static function replaceToWXUrl($url, $postObj) {
        global $wechatid;
        return str_ireplace('fromUsername', $wechatid, $url);

       * 完成以下行为
       * parseUrlParam
       * setUrlPublicParam
       * buildUrlParam
       * @param type $url
       * @param type $other 附加参数 基础参数wid wxid wechatid
      public static function parseUrl($url, $other = array()) {
        $url = self::parseUrlParam($url);
        $url = self::setUrlPublicParam($url);
        if (is_array($other) && !empty($other)) {
          $url['param'] = array_merge($url['param'], $other);
        $url = self::buildUrlParam($url);
        return $url;

       * 分析url
       * @param type $url
       * @return type
      public static function parseUrlParam($url) {
        $temp = explode("?", $url);
        $url0 = $temp[0];
        $url1 = $temp[1];
        $p = explode("&", $url1);
        $param = array();
        foreach ($p as $v) {
          $tempp = explode("=", $v);
          $param[$tempp[0]] = $tempp[1];
        return array("url" => $url0, "param" => $param);

       * 组装url
       * @param type $arr
       * @return type
      public static function buildUrlParam($arr) {
        $url = $arr['url'];
        $param = $arr['param'];
        $param_arr = array();
        foreach ($param as $k => $v) {
          if ($k == "") continue;
          $param_arr[] = $k . "=" . $v;
        return $url . "?" . implode("&", $param_arr) . "";

       * 设置微信保留参数信息
       * @global type $uid
       * @global type $wid
       * @global type $wechatid
       * @param type $url
       * @return type
      public static function setUrlPublicParam($url) {
        global $uid, $wid, $wechatid;
        $url['param']['wid'] = $wid;
        $url['param']['wxid'] = $wechatid;
        $url['param']['wechatid'] = $wechatid;
        return $url;

      public static $errorno = array(
        '-1' => '系统繁忙',
        '0' => '请求成功',
        '40001' => '获取access_token时AppSecret错误,或者access_token无效',
        '40002' => '不合法的凭证类型',
        '40003' => '不合法的OpenID',
        '40004' => '不合法的媒体文件类型',
        '40005' => '不合法的文件类型',
        '40006' => '不合法的文件大小',
        '40007' => '不合法的媒体文件id',
        '40008' => '不合法的消息类型',
        '40009' => '不合法的图片文件大小',
        '40010' => '不合法的语音文件大小',
        '40011' => '不合法的视频文件大小',
        '40012' => '不合法的缩略图文件大小',
        '40013' => '不合法的APPID',
        '40014' => '不合法的access_token',
        '40015' => '不合法的菜单类型',
        '40016' => '不合法的按钮个数',
        '40017' => '不合法的按钮个数',
        '40018' => '不合法的按钮名字长度',
        '40019' => '不合法的按钮KEY长度',
        '40020' => '不合法的按钮URL长度',
        '40021' => '不合法的菜单版本号',
        '40022' => '不合法的子菜单级数',
        '40023' => '不合法的子菜单按钮个数',
        '40024' => '不合法的子菜单按钮类型',
        '40025' => '不合法的子菜单按钮名字长度',
        '40026' => '不合法的子菜单按钮KEY长度',
        '40027' => '不合法的子菜单按钮URL长度',
        '40028' => '不合法的自定义菜单使用用户',
        '40029' => '不合法的oauth_code',
        '40030' => '不合法的refresh_token',
        '40031' => '不合法的openid列表',
        '40032' => '不合法的openid列表长度',
        '40033' => '不合法的请求字符,不能包含\uxxxx格式的字符',
        '40035' => '不合法的参数',
        '40038' => '不合法的请求格式',
        '40039' => '不合法的URL长度',
        '40050' => '不合法的分组id',
        '40051' => '分组名字不合法',
        '40059' => '不合法的消息id',
        '41001' => '缺少access_token参数',
        '41002' => '缺少appid参数',
        '41003' => '缺少refresh_token参数',
        '41004' => '缺少secret参数',
        '41005' => '缺少多媒体文件数据',
        '41006' => '缺少media_id参数',
        '41007' => '缺少子菜单数据',
        '41008' => '缺少oauth code',
        '41009' => '缺少openid',
        '42001' => 'access_token超时',
        '42002' => 'refresh_token超时',
        '42003' => 'oauth_code超时',
        '43001' => '需要GET请求',
        '43002' => '需要POST请求',
        '43003' => '需要HTTPS请求',
        '43004' => '需要接收者关注',
        '43005' => '需要好友关系',
        '44001' => '多媒体文件为空',
        '44002' => 'POST的数据包为空',
        '44003' => '图文消息内容为空',
        '44004' => '文本消息内容为空',
        '45001' => '多媒体文件大小超过限制',
        '45002' => '消息内容超过限制',
        '45003' => '标题字段超过限制',
        '45004' => '描述字段超过限制',
        '45005' => '链接字段超过限制',
        '45006' => '图片链接字段超过限制',
        '45007' => '语音播放时间超过限制',
        '45008' => '图文消息超过限制',
        '45009' => '接口调用超过限制',
        '45010' => '创建菜单个数超过限制',
        '45015' => '回复时间超过限制',
        '45016' => '系统分组,不允许修改',
        '45017' => '分组名字过长',
        '45018' => '分组数量超过上限',
        '46001' => '不存在媒体数据',
        '46002' => '不存在的菜单版本',
        '46003' => '不存在的菜单数据',
        '46004' => '不存在的用户',
        '47001' => '解析JSON/XML内容错误',
        '48001' => 'api功能未授权',
        '50001' => '用户未授权该api'

       * GET 请求
       * @param string $url
      public static function http_get($url) {
        if (!function_exists('curl_init')) {
          die('curl 未开启');
        $oCurl = curl_init();
        if (stripos($url, "https://") !== FALSE) {
          curl_setopt($oCurl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE);
          curl_setopt($oCurl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, FALSE);
        curl_setopt($oCurl, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
        curl_setopt($oCurl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
        $sContent = curl_exec($oCurl);
        $aStatus = curl_getinfo($oCurl);
        if (intval($aStatus["http_code"]) == 200) {
          return $sContent;
        } else {
          return false;

       * POST 请求
       * @param string $url
       * @param array $param
       * @return string content
      public static function http_post($url, $param, $httpBuildQuery = false) {
        if (!function_exists('curl_init')) {
          die('curl 未开启');
        $oCurl = curl_init();
        if (stripos($url, "https://") !== FALSE) {
          curl_setopt($oCurl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE);
          curl_setopt($oCurl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false);
        curl_setopt($oCurl, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
        curl_setopt($oCurl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
    //    curl_setopt($oCurl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $header);//设置HTTP头
        curl_setopt($oCurl, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
        if ($httpBuildQuery) {
          $param = http_build_query($param);
        curl_setopt($oCurl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $param);
        $sContent = curl_exec($oCurl);
        $aStatus = curl_getinfo($oCurl);
        if (intval($aStatus["http_code"]) == 200) {
          return $sContent;
        } else {
          return false;

       * 微信api不支持中文转义的json结构
       * @param array $arr
      static function json_encode($arr) {
        $parts = array();
        $is_list = false;
        //Find out if the given array is a numerical array
        $keys = array_keys($arr);
        $max_length = count($arr) - 1;
        if (($keys [0] === 0) && ($keys [$max_length] === $max_length )) { //See if the first key is 0 and last key is length - 1
          $is_list = true;
          for ($i = 0; $i < count($keys); $i ++) { //See if each key correspondes to its position
            if ($i != $keys [$i]) { //A key fails at position check.
              $is_list = false; //It is an associative array.
        foreach ($arr as $key => $value) {
          if (is_array($value)) { //Custom handling for arrays
            if ($is_list) $parts [] = self::json_encode($value); /* :RECURSION: */
            else $parts [] = '"' . $key . '":' . self::json_encode($value); /* :RECURSION: */
          } else {
            $str = '';
            if (!$is_list) $str = '"' . $key . '":';
            //Custom handling for multiple data types
            if (is_numeric($value) && $value < 2000000000) $str .= $value; //Numbers
            elseif ($value === false) $str .= 'false'; //The booleans
            elseif ($value === true) $str .= 'true';
            else $str .= '"' . addslashes($value) . '"';
    //All other things
    // :TODO: Is there any more datatype we should be in the lookout for? (Object?)
            $parts [] = $str;
        $json = implode(',', $parts);
        if ($is_list) return '[' . $json . ']'; //Return numerical JSON
        return '{' . $json . '}'; //Return associative JSON



SSH 登录失败:Host key verification failed
在Zeus Web Server中安装PHP语言支持
Python 2与Python 3版本和编码的对比