本文介绍一款工具 go-callvis,它能够将 Go 代码的调用关系可视化出来,并提供了可交互式的 web 服务。
时需要)go get -u github.com/ofabry/go-callvis
# or
git clone https://github.com/ofabry/go-callvis.git
cd go-callvis && make install
package main
import (
func main() {
// Part 1: create a listener
l, err := net.Listen("tcp", ":8000")
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Error listener returned: %s", err)
defer l.Close()
for {
// Part 2: accept new connection
c, err := l.Accept()
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Error to accept new connection: %s", err)
// Part 3: create a goroutine that reads and write back data
go func() {
log.Printf("TCP session open")
defer c.Close()
for {
d := make([]byte, 1024)
// Read from TCP buffer
_, err := c.Read(d)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Error reading TCP session: %s", err)
log.Printf("reading data from client: %s\n", string(d))
// write back data to TCP client
_, err = c.Write(d)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Error writing TCP session: %s", err)
以上是一个简单的TCP服务端代码,通过 go-callvis 工具,可将其代码调用关系梳理出来。
$ go-callvis main.go
2022/08/14 21:23:03 http serving at http://localhost:7878
2022/08/14 21:23:03 converting dot to svg..
2022/08/14 21:23:03 serving file: /var/folders/xk/gn46n46d503dsztbc6_9qb2h0000gn/T/go-callvis_export.svg
go-callvis 默认将代码调用关系存储成 svg 格式的图形,并会在 http://localhost:7878 服务上进行展示。
在浏览器界面上,如果点击 log 单元,将会进入 log 模块的代码调用交互图中。
go-callvis 默认以 main 作为链路起点进行分析,因此 package 需要为 main 包。
go-callvis [flags] package
如果不想从 main 方法开始,那么需要使用 -tests 参数,并且在 yourpackage 下创建单元测试,在测试中调用你想要的起始点方法。
go-callvis -tests yourpackage
详细使用说明可通过执行 go-callvis
$ go-callvis
go-callvis: visualize call graph of a Go program.
go-callvis [flags] package
Package should be main package, otherwise -tests flag must be used.
-algo string
The algorithm used to construct the call graph. Possible values inlcude: "static", "cha", "rta", "pointer" (default "pointer")
-cacheDir string
Enable caching to avoid unnecessary re-rendering, you can force rendering by adding 'refresh=true' to the URL query or emptying the cache directory
Enable verbose log.
-file string
output filename - omit to use server mode
-focus string
Focus specific package using name or import path. (default "main")
-format string
output file format [svg | png | jpg | ...] (default "svg")
Use Graphviz's dot program to render images.
-group string
Grouping functions by packages and/or types [pkg, type] (separated by comma) (default "pkg")
-http string
HTTP service address. (default ":7878")
-ignore string
Ignore package paths containing given prefixes (separated by comma)
-include string
Include package paths with given prefixes (separated by comma)
-limit string
Limit package paths to given prefixes (separated by comma)
-minlen uint
Minimum edge length (for wider output). (default 2)
-nodesep float
Minimum space between two adjacent nodes in the same rank (for taller output). (default 0.35)
-nodeshape string
graph node shape (see graphvis manpage for valid values) (default "box")
-nodestyle string
graph node style (see graphvis manpage for valid values) (default "filled,rounded")
Omit calls to unexported functions.
Omit calls to/from packages in standard library.
-rankdir string
Direction of graph layout [LR | RL | TB | BT] (default "LR")
Skip opening browser.
-tags build tags
a list of build tags to consider satisfied during the build. For more information about build tags, see the description of build constraints in the documentation for the go/build package
Include test code.
Show version and exit.
[slp@slpdeMacBook-Pro:] ~/repo/MongoShake/cmd/collector $ go-callvis --help
Usage of go-callvis:
-algo string
The algorithm used to construct the call graph. Possible values inlcude: "static", "cha", "rta", "pointer" (default "pointer")
-cacheDir string
Enable caching to avoid unnecessary re-rendering, you can force rendering by adding 'refresh=true' to the URL query or emptying the cache directory
Enable verbose log.
-file string
output filename - omit to use server mode
-focus string
Focus specific package using name or import path. (default "main")
-format string
output file format [svg | png | jpg | ...] (default "svg")
Use Graphviz's dot program to render images.
-group string
Grouping functions by packages and/or types [pkg, type] (separated by comma) (default "pkg")
-http string
HTTP service address. (default ":7878")
-ignore string
Ignore package paths containing given prefixes (separated by comma)
-include string
Include package paths with given prefixes (separated by comma)
-limit string
Limit package paths to given prefixes (separated by comma)
-minlen uint
Minimum edge length (for wider output). (default 2)
-nodesep float
Minimum space between two adjacent nodes in the same rank (for taller output). (default 0.35)
-nodeshape string
graph node shape (see graphvis manpage for valid values) (default "box")
-nodestyle string
graph node style (see graphvis manpage for valid values) (default "filled,rounded")
Omit calls to unexported functions.
Omit calls to/from packages in standard library.
-rankdir string
Direction of graph layout [LR | RL | TB | BT] (default "LR")
Skip opening browser.
-tags build tags
a list of build tags to consider satisfied during the build. For more information about build tags, see the description of build constraints in the documentation for the go/build package
Include test code.
Show version and exit.
用以忽略标准库的调用;style="font-size: 15px;">limit
go-callvis 工具将 Go 程序函数调用关系通过图形可视化出来,它能帮助开发人员更好地梳理程序脉络。且 go-callvis 的使用非常简单,可以开箱即用。
之后同学们在接触复杂项目时,不妨用 go-callvis 试试看。
今年早些时候,抖音悄然上线了一款名为“青桃”的 App,Slogan 为“看见你的热爱”,根据应用介绍可知,“青桃”是一个属于年轻人的兴趣知识视频平台,由抖音官方出品的中长视频关联版本,整体风格有些类似B站。
近日,一项新的研究发现,维生素 C 和 E 等抗氧化剂会激活一种机制,刺激癌症肿瘤中新血管的生长,帮助它们生长和扩散。
9月3日消息,亚马逊的一些股东,包括持有该公司股票的一家养老基金,日前对亚马逊、其创始人贝索斯和其董事会提起诉讼,指控他们在为 Project Kuiper 卫星星座项目购买发射服务时“违反了信义义务”。
据消息,为推广自家应用,苹果现推出了一个名为“Apps by Apple”的网站,展示了苹果为旗下产品(如 iPhone、iPad、Apple Watch、Mac 和 Apple TV)开发的各种应用程序。
特斯拉本周在美国大幅下调Model S和X售价,引发了该公司一些最坚定支持者的不满。知名特斯拉多头、未来基金(Future Fund)管理合伙人加里·布莱克发帖称,降价是一种“短期麻醉剂”,会让潜在客户等待进一步降价。
近日,根据美国证券交易委员会的文件显示,苹果卫星服务提供商 Globalstar 近期向马斯克旗下的 SpaceX 支付 6400 万美元(约 4.65 亿元人民币)。用于在 2023-2025 年期间,发射卫星,进一步扩展苹果 iPhone 系列的 SOS 卫星服务。
据报道,马斯克旗下社交平台𝕏(推特)日前调整了隐私政策,允许 𝕏 使用用户发布的信息来训练其人工智能(AI)模型。新的隐私政策将于 9 月 29 日生效。新政策规定,𝕏可能会使用所收集到的平台信息和公开可用的信息,来帮助训练 𝕏 的机器学习或人工智能模型。
罗永浩日前在直播中吐槽苹果即将推出的 iPhone 新品,具体内容为:“以我对我‘子公司’的了解,我认为 iPhone 15 跟 iPhone 14 不会有什么区别的,除了序(列)号变了,这个‘不要脸’的东西,这个‘臭厨子’。